Mysterious, sultry, soulful — beautiful beyond depths.
Do you ever find yourself inspired, infatuated, overly flushed cheeks, so in awe of someone that you just have to write about them? That’s what I’m doing with someone that is just as beautiful as the air he breathes. He may be a world away but my strong crush awakens me, fuels my ability to write about him, write to him in such ways that is so addictive. Once in a while, or maybe once ever in a lifetime you come across someone that just makes you feel good because of their existence. If I could thank this man’s parents for creating such a human being, I would but maybe he’ll do that for me on my behalf. Still, I can’t help but revel in the depths of this beautiful man that has a beating heart, leaving footprints in his own existence. Oh, how I envy the places that get to meet him, engage and be in his company naturally.
To this man…
You have inspired me to write this for you, to you. You are special.